From Smokey, the Melville Cat:
There’s something wrong with my eye.
Yeah, so my face looks a little funny. What’s it to you?
Heather said my eye is not “dialing” properly. At least that’s what I think she said. I didn’t even realize that cats’ eyes are supposed to dial.
I don’t understand what all the fuss is about. My eye feels weird when light shines in it, but otherwise I’m fine. I can still see everything. I didn’t even know there was a problem until I came into the house today and Heather and Lucky started to look at me strangely. Then they brought out this ugly plastic box, shoved me into it, and put me in the car.
Heather drove me to that unpleasant place called the vet. I cried a little but tried to play it cool. Even when the doctor pushed a horrible, cold stick into a very private and uncomfortable place (how rude!), I kept my composure. I’ve learned from experience that it’s pointless to make a fuss in these situations.
The doctor told Heather that I was fine, except for my non-dialing eye. Duh, I could have told her that myself. So we came back home. Now I am very sleepy.
I just wanted to sleep when we got home. But Heather kept bothering me with her camera.
Later, Heather’s phone rang and it was the doctor. After Heather hung up, she told me that the doctor had figured out what is wrong with me. I have a very rare condition, which makes sense because I am a very rare cat. The condition is called:
I told you I was special.
No one knows what causes this condition, and it only happens to cats. But apparently it’s not dangerous and it goes away on its own…in three to four months!
I guess I will have to take some time off from my modeling career.
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
The Melville Cat is full of surprises. I’m sad that Smokey’s eye will be a little sensitive (and funny-looking) for the next few months, but relieved that the condition doesn’t seem to be serious. By the way, I took Smokey to the Linden Veterinary Clinic because it was lunch time and there were no vets on duty at the Richmond and Melville clinics. The doctor I saw, Dr. Anita, was fantastic. She didn’t charge me for the consultation, and when she couldn’t diagnose the problem she called a veterinary eye specialist, who gave her an immediate answer without insisting on seeing Smokey. This would NEVER happen in the United States.
Ms. M thinks we should get Smokey an eye patch. I agree that he would look awesome in one. Anyone have a cat-sized pirate costume?
Love reading your posts!
I have never heard of that condition but am happy to read that it is not serious! Not sure though that the Melville cat will agree to wearing an eye patch, no matter how cool he would look and how much fun you’d have, clicking away at him!
Yes, I fear that you’re right. Shame.
Love how it’s written in the cat’s voice.
The contrast between the two eye’s amazing, makes the poor thing look possessed!
It actually fits his personality quite well 🙂
Like David Bowie almost, rock star cat!
Hi! May your cat “Get well” soon! Cheers!
Thanks. He already seems to have forgotten about it.
he would look like a real skelm in an eye patch … the skelm of Melville
Haha. I had to google the word “skelm” 🙂
Once again a very special post. Hope Smokey gets the ‘smoke’ out of its eye.
Haha. He’s looking fine at the moment. Since it’s nighttime, the bad eye nearly matches the good one.
What a lovely blog. He looks like a cat who used to reside with me except for the eye. I invite you to visit my blog and I look forward to reading more of yours.
Thanks Barbara, I’m glad you like it! I will check out yours.
So glad Smokey is okay! Poor baby.
Thanks Kathy, Smokey is much better today. The “Smokey” eye looks almost the same as the other one now!
Fred is being very polite and not laughing. In fact, he’s hoping Smokey is NOT possessed !
We both wish him well♥ You too 🙂
Thanks to Fred for being polite. Smokey’s eye is already much improved! Looks like it might not take three months for him to get back into modeling shape after all.
Great post, on your special fella.
Thank you!
Avast ye mateys! Seriously, I’m glad it’s gonna be OK!
Thanks Dog.
Maybe his nickname for the time being should be “Freakey.” Seriously, you would not have gotten that kind of vet treatment in the US. Money first has become their motto too.
Haha. It was certainly freaky.
Oh yeah, and Rosie says he looks like David Bowie.
Still such a dashing fellow!
Indeed he is. And now the mysterious affliction had completely disappeared!
They adapt so quickly. My pug is blind and he just runs around all happy and no care in the world. When he jumps from the bed/couch we call it “The Leap of Faith” since he can’t see where he is going to land.
I am glad to hear this was temporary. In the meanwhile, lots of treats for Smokey!
Haha, yes. Animals adapt very quickly. The vet was actually wrong and Smokey’s affliction lasted for exactly one day. He’s completely back to normal now.
Yay! Good to hear.
I had never heard of that condition before! So interesting. I’m glad your baby is back to normal even though I don’t think he looked so bad!
Thanks. You’re right too, he actually looked kind of cool.