Rainy Art Walkabout with Hannelie Coetzee

by | Feb 15, 2013 | Arts and Culture, Johannesburg, Johannesburg City Centre, Tours | 13 comments

This post was originally published in February 2013, but half the post was deleted in 2014 during a website migration error. The post you see here is a reconstructed version of the original post.

I didn’t pay much attention to public art when I lived in America. I didn’t pay much attention to art in general, actually. I enjoyed the occasional museum visit but that was about it.

Things changed when I moved to Joburg. Art is everywhere here and I suddenly found it impossible to ignore. The closer I looked, the more I began to see and appreciate art in unlikely places.

shoes on mosaicArt beneath my feet on Commissioner St. in the Jozi CBD. 

A few weeks ago I went on a “public art walkabout” with Joburg artist Hannelie Coetzee. I’m grateful to my new email/Instagram pal Martha Cooper for letting me know about this tour, as I wouldn’t have found out about it otherwise. (Thanks, Martha.) And even though it meant venturing out into the city on a cold, rainy Sunday morning, I’m also grateful to have gone on this tour. Hannelie’s art is a perfect illustration of Joburg’s awesomeness.

Hannelie and mosaicHannelie shows us “Hawk Here”, a commissioned mosaic she created at the corner of Henri and Jorrisen Streets. The mosaic is based on a photo she took in India. (Hannelie is an accomplished photographer as well as an artist.)

Hannelie’s art is difficult to classify, especially for someone like me who doesn’t speak art lingo. But I think the best way to describe it is part graffiti, part fine art, part sculpture, part photography. What I liked most about the art Hannelie showed us was that every work seems to be closely linked to its surroundings, as well as who Hannelie is as a person. Her works tell stories about Hannelie’s family and cultural heritage and they also tell stories about Jozi.

Our small band of art enthusiasts met up on the corner of Henri and Jorrisen Streets, on the edge of Braamfontein. From there, we caravaned by car around the city, admiring Hannelie’s art and trying (more and more unsuccessfully as the day went on) to dodge the raindrops.

Hannelie Coetzee Fordsburg workThe second work Hannelie took us to is “Oumagrootjie” (which means “great-grandmother” in Afrikaans), on the wall of a shop in Fordsburg. The picture, a mosaic made from pieces of granite and marble salvaged from illegal dumps, is based on a wedding photo of Hannelie’s great-grandmother. Oumagrootjie and her family moved to Joburg in 1908 after the Anglo-Boer War. They lived in poverty and survived by eating biscuits made from animal blood they begged from the butcher.

Hannelie Coetzee's Fondsburg work, "Oumagrootjie"
A closer look at Oumagrootjie.

After Oumagrootjie we journeyed deeper into the CBD, to the Rissik Street Post Office.

Inside the Rissik Street Post OfficeInside the historic Rissik Street Post Office.

The Rissik Street Post office is one of Joburg’s most historic buildings, but has been empty since the South African Postal Service vacated the building in 1996 and has since been damaged by two large fires. Hannelie received special permission to create an art work inside the abandoned building depicting her grandfather, who was a mail carrier at the post office in the early 20th century, starting from the age of 14.

Hannelie engraved an image of her grandfather into the paint and plaster of the wall inside the post office. Watch this fascinating video in which Hannelie talks about why she created the piece and what her process was.

Hannelie's piece inside the Rissik Street Post Office, 2013.“Oupa Florie”, Hannelie’s piece inside the Rissik Street Post Office.

Stairwell inside the Rissik Street Post Office.Post office stairwell.

"Oupa Florie" inside Rissik Street Post OfficeI feel really fortunate that I had the opportunity to go inside the Rissik Street Post Office and see this piece.

UPDATE: As of 2016, a serious renovation of the Rissik Street Post Office is finally underway. Hannelie no longer has access to the building and doesn’t know what has become of Oupa Florie.

From the Rissik Street Post Office, we drove through heavy traffic to the Johannesburg Art Gallery, to see a piece Hannelie created in the parking lot there.

Hannelie Coetzee "Uitpak", at Johannesburg Art GalleryThis igloo-shaped installation is called “Uitpak”, which means “unpacking” in Afrikaans. 

“Uitpak” is made of slabs of stone that Hannelie found in a quarry, and eventually learned had been discarded from the Freedom Park memorial outside Pretoria. The stones are engraved with hundreds of names of South African freedom fighters.

Hannelie Coetzee's Uitpak stonesA close-up of the Uitpak stones.

Our final stop was Maboneng/Doornfontein, were we visited one of Hannelie’s best known works — Ouma Miemie.

Ouma Miemie by Hannelie CoetzeeOuma Miemie, on Commissioner Street, depicts Hannelie’s mother and grandmother and Hannelie herself, shopping in downtown Joburg.

We visited a few other interesting things on this tour, as well as Hannelie’s studio in Maboneng. [2016 update: Hannelie’s studio has now moved to a beautiful space in One Eloff.] But I can’t find anymore photos, and my memory from 2013 is failing me.  I’ll definitely be writing more about Hannelie’s work in the future.


  1. Fiver

    That was well worth waiting for. Cool stuff!

  2. Meruschka

    This sounds awesome, love her work! Would love to do one of Hannelie’s tours. Do they happen regularly or do you have to get a group together. How do I get more info?

    • 2summers

      Hi Meruschka, I don’t know if this particular tour was announced anywhere — I just found out about it from Martha Cooper and then emailed Hannelie. I just discovered she has a page about it on her website though: http://www.hanneliecoetzee.com/walkabouts/. I would send her an email so she can keep you in the loop for future walks.

  3. mzansigirl

    Thanks Heather. Will pop her an email 🙂

  4. SamV

    I always love reading your blog, as it reminds me of home. I never realised how rich Joburg’s art culture was until I left and came to where I am now. You just take it for granted when you’re there, and assume everywhere is as creative and inspiring. Thank you.

    • 2summers

      Thanks SamV, I love comments like this.

    • 2summers

      I actually just went back and rewrote most of it – I didn’t mean for my readers to get notified about the revision. Ha! Oh well, hopefully everyone enjoyed the post even though it’s not technically ‘new’.

  5. Rosemary

    Amazing- so many stories…..thanks Heather

    • 2summers

      Thanks for reading!

  6. Mellissa Bushby

    Hannelie was one of my photography lecturers at Art School, she’s simply fabulous. What a small world it is! Xx

    • 2summers

      It is indeed. That’s cool!


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