“Kwa” for the Crois-Nut

by | Aug 23, 2013 | Food and Drink, Johannesburg | 10 comments

I had never heard of a Cronut until a few weeks ago, when I was browsing Instagram and came upon a picture of one. I was intrigued.

Introduced four months ago by Chef Dominique Ansel of New York City, a Cronut is a pastry hybrid — half croissant, half donut. A croissant-donut! How has no one ever thought of this before? Could there be anything more brilliant?

The idea is so brilliant, in fact, that the croissant-donut has already spread across the world. Early last week, a buzz started among Jozi food and lifestyle bloggers. “Crois-Nuts” (not Cronuts, mind you — that name is trademarked) were coming to South Africa, via a high-end bakery on Athol Oaklands Road called Belle’s Patisserie. The Crois-Nut debuted at Belle’s last Friday.

Chocolate KwaNut

Behold: The Crois-Nut.

I’m not usually the type to run out the moment a new gimmick becomes available and buy it. But there’s something about this particular gimmick…I seriously considered driving to Belle’s at 7:30 last Friday morning and becoming one of the first people in South Africa to devour a Crois-Nut. But I restrained myself.

Then I read my blogger friend Wisaal’s Crois-Nut post. My desire became overpowering.

I made plans to meet my friend Louise at Belle’s Patisserie today, at 11:00 a.m. By 11:15, I had a Crois-Nut in my tummy.

Strawberry KwaNut

I tried the strawberry Crois-Nut first, on a friend’s recommendation. It has strawberry filling inside.

Crois-Nuts look pretty much the same as donuts, in both shape and presentation. But when I took my first bite, I immediately noticed the flaky, croissant-like texture. There is a pleasant, crackly-crispiness that you won’t find in a donut.

The Crois-Nut is a croissant in donut’s clothing.

I ordered the strawberry Crois-Nut and Louise ordered the custard one. Both were excellent and disappeared way too quickly. I immediately wanted more but was afraid of looking like a pig. I was relieved when Louise said she wanted another one too.

KwaNut table

Crois-Nuts, round 2. Louise got another custard. I went for chocolate. I really liked the chocolate and the custard but I think strawberry is my overall favorite. There’s also a plain version but I didn’t want to spend R25 ($2.50) on anything plain.

My only complaint about the Crois-Nut is the name. It’s awkward — the word looks weird on paper and doesn’t roll off the tongue.

With all due respect, I propose that the Crois-Nut be renamed the KwaNut. That’s the way the word is pronounced anyway, and it looks much more South African.

(I don’t really know what the word “Kwa” means. I found nothing on Google, and when I asked Lucky he had difficulty explaining. From what I can tell, “Kwa” vaguely translates to “in a place”. Like the “Kwa” in KwaZulu-Natal means “in” Zulu-Natal. Maybe. Kinda. Anyway, I like the sound of it. Kwaaaaaaa!)

Who’s with me?

I think I’m rambling and this post doesn’t make much sense. The sugar has gone to my brain. But stiill, I hope the folks at Belle’s will consider my proposal.

Either way, I highly recommend a Crois-Nut (KwaNut) pilgrimmage. Kwaaaaa!

Belle’s Patisserie: Blubird Shopping Centre, Athol Oaklands Road, Birnam.


  1. amelie88

    I still don’t know if I understand the hype around this cronut but it sure has spread all over the world! It seems like it’s basically a croissant but in a donut form?

    Kwa also looks like a very Americanized pronunciation of the French word “quoi?” which means “what?” That’s how I’m reading it anyways!

    • 2summers

      You just have to try one and then you’ll understand. 🙂

  2. addercatter

    Oh those look SO DELICIOUS! !!

  3. Louise Whitworth (@CosThisIsAfrica)

    I agree! – it should so be written Kwanut, makes much more sense than Croisnut (kwasnut?). I have actually been thinking about going again and ordering a doughnut, a croissant and a croisnut together then I can really decide which I like best 😉

    • 2summers

      That’s actually a great idea. I definitely saw croissants there…not sure if there were regular donuts. But there should be!

    • 2summers

      Thank you for agreeing with me. It makes so much sense.

  4. Kathryn McCullough

    Looks and sounds quite tasty. That’s a hard hybrid to top. But, yes, the name is awkward–and definitely kwanut is MUCH better!

    Hugs from Ecuador,

    • 2summers

      Thanks Kathy, I’m glad you agree 🙂


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