Newsflash From the Melville Cat

by | Oct 17, 2013 | The Melville/Brixton Cats | 14 comments

From the Melville Cat:

I’m free at last. The blasted cone was removed.


May this horrid collar never adorn my neck again. (If you missed the story of how I got the cone in the first place, read here.)

This morning Heather put me into the plastic box and drove me to the vet. At the vet, a mean lady held me down and cut my belly with a scissors, which was horrid. Heather said the mean lady was removing my stitches but I couldn’t see anything. I was too busy squirming and howling.

But then the mean lady did something nice. She brought those same scissors to my neck and cut the string that tied my blasted cone. My head was free! But before I knew what was happening Heather put me back in the plastic box and drove me home.

At home, I received my first real taste of freedom.

Cat emerges

I emerged from the plastic box.

Cat scratch

I scratched myself for the first time in two weeks. (By the way, two weeks is the equivalent of two months in cat years.)

Cat walking

I went outside. No more indoor imprisonment.

Cat grooming

I groomed every part of my body. Twice. For the last two weeks I have only been able to lick the very tip of my tail.

Then I went hunting and brought Heather a half-dead baby bird. She was not very appreciative and refused to photograph me with my prize. How rude.

Life is getting back to normal around here.


  1. horsesofthesun

    Hahaha aww sweet! 🙂 They really do loathe those collars!

  2. eremophila

    Very glad you’re free at last Smokey, and shame on Heather for not being grateful for the present! I thought it showed you had no hard feelings against what she’s put you through. Humans do get a bit strange at times, as I’m sure you’ve noticed. 🙂

    • 2summers

      Yes, I have noticed. I am glad that at least someone seems to understand my intentions.

      • eremophila


  3. Catherine

    enjoy your newly found freedom but stay away from baby birds if you can!

    • 2summers

      Thank you. I’m very lovable.

  4. roetsuprooted

    Hooray for Melville cat! He roams the hood again. Be safe kitty.

  5. Laura Vercueil

    Good on you Melville Cat – be sure to stay out of trouble now!!

    • 2summers

      Thank you Laura, I will try.

  6. Kathryn McCullough

    Oh, the boy is free at last. Love the photo of him scratching his neck. Too cute.

    Hugs from Ecuador,



  1. Have You Met Heather Mason? | projectsaluda - […] weeks later, same jig and Smokey, the #MelvilleCat, who’s been wearing a cone for the past two weeks and…
  2. Have You Met Heather Mason? | Afrikan Worrier - […] weeks later, same jig and Smokey, the #MelvilleCat, who’s been wearing a cone for the past two weeks and hating it,…

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