Hello. My name is Fender. I’m a kitten from Hillbrow.
Today started as the worst day of my life. My brother and me were hiding under a car next to the Hillbrow Boxing Club. I can’t remember what happened. I think the car ran over my brother. After the car went away I went to my brother. He didn’t move at all. I laid down on top of my brother. I don’t know how long I laid there. I waited to die.
The next thing I knew, a human was standing over me and my brother. The human picked me up and I was so scared. I jumped away and ran under another car. Another human came and they pulled me out. The first human, named Heather, wrapped me up and took me to her car.
I was very scared in Heather’s car, and I missed my brother.
Later we came to a house. Heather took me inside and put me in a box. I was still scared but the box felt safe. Heather gave me milk and I ate it. I was very hungry.
Me in my box.
After my milk I felt better. But I was still nervous.
Heather talked to me while I sat in my box. She said another cat lived with her, called the Melville Cat. She said she couldn’t keep me at her house but another human wanted me to come live with him.
I didn’t understand much of what Heather said. I was so tired. I went to sleep in my box.
Sleeping in my box.
I woke up and Heather was carrying my box. Then we were in the car and went to another place. Another human pulled me out and put me on a table. The other human moved me around, pushed something in my mouth, and sprayed stuff on my fur. She told Heather that I am a boy. (I knew this already.) Then she put me back in my box.
I gave up trying to understand anything. I was just happy when I could go back in my box.
Back at Heather’s house, I slept again. I woke up and ate some delicious food, even though my tummy didn’t feel good. Then I slept some more.
That food was so good. I ate it all.
I woke up again and Heather said it was time to go to my new house. She put my box in the car and we drove somewhere. Heather took my box out of the car and gave me to another human.
My new human is a man called Lev. Lev is very nice. He took me to his house. Now it’s my house too. There are other humans there, and another kitten, like me. Lev says the other kitten came from Hillbrow too. Her name is Ponte.
I didn’t have a name before. But Lev told me that my name is Fender now. Lev plays something called a guitar and that is how I got my name. I don’t really understand, but I don’t care. I’m happy I have a home and a name, and a blanket and food to eat.
This is me, Fender, in my new house. (Photo: Gareth Pon)
Sleeping on my new blanket. (Photo: Brad Roberts)
I am so happy. (Photo: Gareth Pon)
Today was the best day of my life.
Editor’s note: Fender and Smokey (the Melville Cat) never met during Fender’s short stay at the Lucky 5 Star Commune, which was probably for the best.
Another cat is the last thing I need in my life at the moment, but I was sad when I handed Fender over to Lev. I know they’ll be happy together though, and I’ll be able to visit. Lev lives with my friend Gareth, who also recently rescued a kitten — named Ponte — from Ponte City in Hillbrow. I foresee many good times ahead for Ponte and Fender.
Even though his brother wasn’t so lucky, I’m really happy that I could help Fender get another chance at life. He has eight lives left.
PS: Fender the kitty has now joined Instagram. Follow him at @fenderthekitty.
So sweet thanks for posting this.
My pleasure, thank you for reading.
You can also find out more about Lev at http://www.levonlock.com
Doh! Thanks. Will change that link.
Heather!! Thanks soo much for saving the little soul! He’s gorgeous! Recently did the Ponte tour and found out about the feral cats there 🙁 Been trying to track down the people helping out. Is Lev involved or would he be able to help with info? Is so, could you put us in touch please?
Hi Cristina, thanks! I don’t know of any organized program to help the cats in Hillbrow/Ponte City…Gareth and some other friends just happened to find Ponte while shooting photos there. But if there are other people working on this I’d love to know about it too. Gareth and I were actually just joking that we should start a Hillbrow cat search-and-rescue. Haha.
The cat rescue is a super idea 🙂 Just know it’s addictive! But also SUPER rewarding! I’ve trapped and sterilised the cats at my previous office 8 years ago – I still feed them regularly. This morning I trapped 6 bunnies and took them to be sterilised. If you need tips (or encouragement) you know where to find me 😉 Will keep you posted if I get hold of the Ponte cat helpers.
Loved this 🙂 Fender seems like an adorable little character, so happy you found him! <3
Me too Sav. May you have many happy times with him 🙂
Fantatic photo’s Heather!! And fantastic Of course that you saved the gorgeous cat!
Thanks Christi 🙂
Beautiful cat!
Indeed he is.
story touched my heart in kuwait stray cats everywhere we have a rescue called Screecher who made my daughters transition to kuwait easier!
That’s great. Animals can really change our lives!
So heartwarming and sad at the same time. Thanks for playing with our emotions H
Haha. Thanks for reading. It’s the kitties who are playing with MY emotions!
A woman after my own heart. Thank you.
Aw, thanks Colin. By the way, I just looked at your blog briefly. I think it’s so cool that you live on Saba! I once went on vacation to St. Maarten and almost did a side trip to Saba, but wound up going to Anguilla instead. But Saba always seemed very intriguing to me.
Thanks for the visit, I hope that you found something of interest. Never been to Anguilla but we fell in love with Saba for too any reasons to list.
He looks just like my two girls at that age–and will grow to be a handsome loving being. He thanks you for his life, as do my Kate and Nora.
So precious, Heather.
Hugs from Ecuador,
We all thank you, Pixel and Frank especially, as they remember what it was like to be homeless. ♥
Thanks Enivea, I figured Pixel and Frank would like this story.
OMG he looks just like our cat, Findus! Which makes me think I should post some Findus pictures on my blog – seems to be getting a lot of comments:-)
Oh YES, Sine. The online world loves cats. I recommend pimping out Findus as much as you can 🙂
I love this post, you are such an angel for saving him and I think you have a talent for writing from an animal’s perspective 🙂 (you’re pretty awesome at writing from a human’s perspective too! 😉 )
Aw, thanks Hasmita. I can’t ask for a better compliment than that!
What beautiful words and photos! I love cats and am glad one little bundle of cuteness was saved.
Thanks so much, Regina.
What a beautiful post about a beautiful kitten. Well done for rescuing him and finding him a good home. I most likely would have done the same thing.
I’m sure you would have. In a situation like that, it is actually impossible NOT to do something. Unless your heart is literally made of coal 🙂
I thoroughly enjoyed this tale… Brought a smile to my heart 🙂 Good work! Have you considered writing a children’s book?? 🙂
Thanks Lungi. As a matter of fact, I’m having a chat with a book illustrator about this in a couple of weeks!
Aw, what a lovely story, made me a little teary-eyed.
Thanks Jennifer 🙂
Guess what? I love the Fender story too! I hope he has a good life ahead. We will miss you at the Angel’s Reunion on Saturday night. I believe you Dad is supposed to go. Get ready for lots of photos.
Lucky little kitty!
He is indeed. He’s really living the high life now 🙂
So adorable!! Very lucky.