I’m in Knysna this week, as a guest of the Knysna Oyster Festival. When I originally got this invitation a few months ago, I accepted because I’d heard Knysna is lovely and I knew it would be a great place to spend my birthday.
I didn’t plan to eat many oysters though. I used to think I didn’t like oysters, but it turns out I was wrong about that.
My first oyster of the week, from Quay Four Restaurant in Knysna. I learned that I actually love oysters once they’ve been doused with lemon juice and Tabasco. (Photo: Theresa Lozier)
I also used to think that I would never go bungee-jumping in a million years. I was wrong about that too.
These images are from a GoPro camera — courtesy of my new Instagram buddy @scrumpyjackson — that was strapped to my head during the jump. There is video footage too, which I cannot wait to share but it will take me a while to get it edited and ready for prime-time. I’ll do a full-on post about the jump in a few weeks.
I went bungee jumping on my 40th birthday, which was yesterday. In fact I leapt from the highest bungee jump in the world, on the Bloukrans Bridge about an hour north of Knysna. The bridge is 216 meters high (that’s more than 700 feet) and my jump was somewhere between 160 and 180 meters. This was the most terrifying and amazing thing I’ve ever done. I would totally do it again.
The bungee jump was the highlight of my trip so far. (In fact it was one of the highlights of my 40-year-old life.) But I’ve done many other fun things in Knysna already and there is a lot more to come. My time and my internet connectivity are seriously limited though, and my computer battery is about to die. So this will have to do for now.
Here’s to 40 more years of doing things that I used to think I would never do.
I’m off to scarf some more oysters.
Ah Heather! This is so awesome, glad you had a fantastic birthday. I’m very jealous about all of the oysters!
Thanks Kate 🙂
The Bloukrans bridge! Special memory for us. Our son was 15 when he did the jump there. I’m still pretty sure I’ll never do it. You’d have to seriously drug me. Bring on the dagga:-)
Hahaha! I don’t think I would want to be high while going that 🙂
Belated Birthday Wishes! 🙂 Wishing you many more years of new adventures and happiness!
Respect, Heather!!! What a way to welcome in the 40’s, may it be it be an awesome decade for you
Thank you Sharon 🙂
How exciting! Very happy for you, and congratulations on your 40th. Also, glad that you found the oysters yummy. They are so unique, and sweet. Far different and better than clams, in my opinion. Happy rest of your trip.
THanks Sunshinebright. I always look forward to your lovely comments 🙂
At 40, I sat and sulked on the couch. It was a relatively short-lived funk, but I do admire your celebratory embrace, underscoring the zest for life you portray so well in this blog. Happy Birthday Heather. You have at least another 40 years of a great life to experience! M 🙂
Aw, thanks so much! I figure I can’t do much about turning 40 so I might as well enjoy it.
I have learned to eat oysters, but nor sure about leaping off Bloukrans although I’ve been there so many times before.
Meruschka did it and she is terrified of heights! Who knows, maybe you’ll be inspired one of these days 🙂
I’m glad to read your description of the bungee jump since I will never EVER find out for myself. Not sure I would have tried it when I was younger, but at 67, it does seem like a whoops, gee, darn, missed my chance. At this age, ‘terrifying’ is just no longer an inducement. I admire you for getting it in at a reasonable age. As for the oysters, I tried them once just because Papa Hemingway always ate them. I decided he could have them all, but I don’t think the ones I had were doused in lemon juice — I know they didn’t have tabasco, so maybe that makes a difference. I’d like to see some pictures of the bridge — how high up did it actually look (in this case, a picture is worth a thousand measurements), and just how close were the sides of the valley?
Hahaha, I love everything about this comment! I have pics of the bridge and several more shots to provide some context. I also have video! I will do a longer post to satisfy your curiosity in the next few weeks 🙂