Pets of Brazil

by | Jan 11, 2015 | Brazil | 5 comments

One of the best parts of traveling, in my opinion, is observing domesticated animals in different places around the world. (See my post on cats in Ghana.)

Brazil has a particularly interesting animal culture and my sister and I spent a lot of time instagramming the animals we came across on our recent trip there. Here are a few highlights.

Sue and painted dogs

My sister Susanna with some painted dogs in Rio.

Moment 7 - Santa Teresa and Lapa2

This shot was in my previous Rio post but I think it warrants a repeat appearance. Dogs are more prevalent than cats in Brazil but most of the cats we saw had a distinct look about them — broad, triangular faces and big bodies.

Dog in hat

Dog in a Hat, Ipanema Beach. We saw lots of cute dachshunds in Rio.

Heather and dog

Heather with Dog in a Hat. Dog in a Hat seemed very accustomed to posing for this shot. (Photo: Susanna Mason)

Two cats2

Egyptian-looking cats in Jabaquara, a little beach hamlet near the Brazilian town of Paraty.


“Anybody home? It’s Horse.” (This horse roamed freely around Jabaquara. I later saw him/her eating from a trash bin.)

Chicken crossing

Chicken-crossing in Jabaquara.

Cat and fence

Cute cat behind a gate in Paraty.

Dog and bike

We spent the last two days of our trip on an island called Ilha Grande. There were dozens, if not hundreds, of dogs in the island’s main village of Abraão; it was hard to tell if the dogs were strays or just pets with lots of freedom. They ran around town like they owned the place, sleeping on the beach, casually begging at beachside cafés, and poking their heads into air-conditioned shops. The dogs were friendly but not much interested in human attention — they seemed to be on their own mission.

Dog at night

A typical dog on Ilha Grande. Pausing briefly to take in the scene. Not remotely interested in me or anyone else.

Caipirinha guy and dog

This is the last photo I shot in Brazil, of a street-side caipirinha vendor. See the dog in the shadows? 

One more Brazil post to come.


  1. tenney mason

    So you all found a portrait of Sassy in Rio. Didn’t realize she was so cosmopolitan. You now need to go to India and do a blog about the cows. I really want to know what the deal is on the cows.

    • 2summers

      Wow youte right. That’s Sassy! I was fascinated by the cows in India too. The Brazilian horses reminded me of them.

  2. amelie88

    I get the feral cats and dogs roaming around but how does a horse get into the mix? He or she is such an odd coloring too! I’ve seen wild horses before but never a feral horse wandering around a small village!

    • 2summers

      Haha, I know right? I don’t actually think it’s feral — I think people just give their animals a lot of freedom in Brazil 🙂


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