Lockdown Journal: Day 21 (The Melville Cat)

by | Apr 16, 2020 | COVID-19, Johannesburg, The Melville/Brixton Cats | 6 comments

For those of you who are new to this blog: The Melville Cat is an occasional guest contributor. Tonight he has written his third lockdown journal post.

Read all of the Melville Cat’s posts here. Read all of the 2Summers lockdown journal posts here.

Good evening. It’s Day 21 of the human lockdown and time for my weekly check-in.

Nothing has changed.

The Melville Cat coming down from his hedge.
Lockdown photo Day 21: Me, in virtually the same place where you saw me on Day 14.

Heather tells me the lockdown was originally supposed to end today, but last week South Africa’s human president decided to extend it for an additional two weeks. Heather is glad I’m doing my weekly check-in today because she is feeling — in her own words — “a bit crazy”.

This comes as no surprise. Humans, unlike cats, are not accustomed to doing the same thing every day for weeks on end. I personally find great comfort in such redundancy. Now is my time to shine.

Here I am sunning myself at 4:30 this afternoon, as I do every afternoon for exactly 12 minutes, assuming the sun is shining.
Smokey awaiting dinner
Here I am on the patio at 4:45, licking my nearly toothless gums and awaiting my dinner.

A Tribute to the Melville Cat

I have some exciting news to report. Today, there was a tribute to me published in the Johannesburg In Your Pocket Guide, a prominent local magazine. The story was titled: Dear Melville Cat and 2Summers, with love from Johannesburg In Your Pocket.

Heather IYP
The header image features Heather, not me. This is very rude. Nonetheless, I am pleased with the exposure.

The tribute was written in response to my Day 14 update, in which Heather and I recognized the Johannesburg In Your Pocket Guide for its fine contribution to the city during this difficult time.

Apparently the editors of the guide are also great fans of mine, although they wrote: “To be honest, until now we have mostly been dog people here at Johannesburg In Your Pocket.”

Dog people?! Hmph. Nonetheless, I am pleased with the exposure.

I would also like to share an old photo of me from 2011, which Heather discovered today while sorting through an old external hard drive.

The Melville Cat in 2011
Me in 2011, when I was about four years old. Ah, to be young again.

The photo above was taken by Jon, who passed away later that same year. Jon was a very dear chap. Like the Johannesburg In Your Pocket people, he never cared for cats until he met me. I seem to have that effect on humans.

Heather asked me to let you know that tomorrow, she is taking a break from technology. She will not look at her phone or computer until the evening, when she writes her lockdown journal post.

My response to this pronouncement is: So what? But apparently Heather needs a break. She will speak to you all again in about 24 hours.

I will speak to you again next week, should the mood strike me.


  1. AutumnAshbough

    MC, Cat Ambassador To Clueless Dog People for Over A Decade.

    Love your photos.

  2. Catrina

    Dear Melville Cat, you have aged very well! Please let Heather know that I think it’s a good idea to take a technology-free day tomorrow. Enjoy your hedge!

    • 2summers

      Thank you. I will tell her.

  3. Nancy McDaniel

    Love you Melville Cat. My girl kitties Ruthie and (Jua)Nita are big fans of yours!


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