Lockdown Journal: Day 53 (I’m Back)

by | May 18, 2020 | COVID-19, Johannesburg | 21 comments

It’s Day 53 of the South African lockdown. Did you miss me? It’s good to be back.

I’m not sure if numbering these lockdown journal posts makes sense anymore, since I didn’t blog on Day 51 or Day 52. Skipped numbers might bother the OCD-inclined among you (and also me). But at this point I don’t know what else to do so I guess I’ll continue this way.

Taking two days off from blogging was sort of nice. It was pleasant to pass the weekend without this daily task hanging over me. But the blogging holiday also gave me more time to obsess over worries I’d previously been pushing aside, such as:

  1. Blogging about the same topic every day for 53 straight days is probably not good for the 2Summers Google ranking. Also I don’t understand Google rankings.
  2. I am very unproductive, which I know everyone (including me) said was okay at the beginning of lockdown but now I’m starting to feel panicky about it.
  3. I have virtually no income and no plan for the future, and am unmotivated to do anything about these rather significant life challenges.
  4. The world is falling apart.

This hilarious video sums up my lockdown experience perfectly. I’ve watched it five times so far today.

I did manage a few non-blogging accomplishments this weekend:

  1. I did my first truly strenuous workout in two months, which may or may not have involved a slight bending of the Level 4 lockdown rules. It felt great.
  2. I read part of a book.
  3. I raked leaves.
  4. I zoomed.
  5. I knitted.
  6. I listened to When People Zol at least 100 times.
  7. I watched a new Netflix series called Hollywood, which I cannot recommend enough despite its mediocre reviews. So much better than Tiger King!
  8. I designed a new bitmoji for myself.
  9. I baked a lemon turmeric cake the color of sunshine.
Lemon turmeric cake
Lockdown photo 53: Lemon turmeric loaf cake. I’ve always loved lemon cake and have been thinking about making this one since a friend on Instagram posted about it last month. Here’s the recipe I used.
Lemon cake and tea
It’s delicious but next time I’m adding a little more lemon juice.
Heather bitmoji
New bitmoji. I don’t wear my glasses very often but I like the way they look on a bitmoji. If you want to create your own, download the Bitmoji app on your phone and get to work

Looking at the list above makes me feel far more accomplished than I felt while the weekend was actually happening.

This week I’m looking forward to getting involved with a new volunteer project in Melville. My biggest problem right now is I’m stuck far too deep inside my own head. I hope helping others will be a good way to claw my way out of there.

Today’s Worthy Cause

Today’s worthy cause is Ubuntu Beds, a hospitality industry initiative offering guest rooms to South African healthcare workers fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. This is such a great idea: The program is seeking financial donations as well as rooms at hotels and B&Bs. Donate here.

Heather bitmoji2


  1. Fiver

    Yay, you’re back!!! And you knitted! Go you!!! (Ok, too many exclamation marks. I missed your voice).

    • 2summers

      I miss yours too. xxxx

  2. Margaret Urban

    What a great blog today 🙂 I’m with you on worries 2, 3, 4… The video is hilarious! And – I’m definitely going to make that lemon turmeric loaf – Yum!!

    • 2summers

      I hahaha. I guess most people are feeling those worries. Glad you liked the video and cake!

      • eremophila

        Loved the video, especially opening beer bottle, such an Aussie thing to do????
        Your cake looks fab, used to love lemon cake.

        • 2summers

          It’s the best.

    • 2summers

      Thank you. I’m learning that cakes are way easier than bread.

  3. Alison Simon

    That is an AWESOME vid. Thanks for sharing….we can do this.

    • 2summers

      Hahahahaha, right? I can’t believe how on point every single one of those scenes is. My favorite is the “disinfecting package” scene. That is so me.

  4. Sewela

    Glad to see you back! The cake is very bright!

    • 2summers

      Haha, yeah. It’s from the turmeric that I bought across the hall from you!

  5. Peggy Laws

    You didnt mention how flippin cold Sunday morning was! Went for a 5km walk at 7am and froze. Also watching the video umpteen times. Love it.

    • 2summers

      Hahaha! I slept in on Sunday 🙂

  6. Catrina

    Yay on the strenuous workout! ???????? Great stuff.
    Just wondering – how about running some ads on your blog to generate income?
    Might not be your thing, which I understand.

    • 2summers

      Thanks! I’ve always shied away from ads simply because I don’t like them and felt like it wouldn’t be worth it for the amount of money I would get. But you’re right, these are desperate times. Maybe it’s time to get over myself 🙂

  7. Nancy McDaniel

    Your cake looks wonderful – and cheery! That video is so funny – loved it when he used that pull up thingy to open his beer! Glad you’re back!

  8. Amy

    I had been down on myself for now being more creative or productive with all this ‘extra’ unexpected time at home until a friend passed along this nugget: it’s not as artist’s retreat …. it’s a pandemic. And with that, I’m trying to be kinder to myself and others. Just take care of you. Virtual hugs.

    • 2summers

      Thanks! That’s a good piece of advice.


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