Fourth in my “Roadhouses of Gauteng” series. Browse all of my roadhouse posts or view a map of the roadhouses I’ve visited.
Thorsten and I did another roadhouse mission last weekend. This time we headed west, journeying up Ondekkers Road to Uncle Harry’s Roadhouse in the West Rand mining town of Randfontein.

Uncle Harry’s, like all the roadhouses we’ve visited for this series so far, has a great story. It was opened in 1974 by 60-year-old Harry Pappas, a first-generation South African of Greek descent who started Uncle Harry’s as a second career. Harry bought the land from a mining company and developed an entire compound, which now includes the huge roadhouse, a petrol station, a car stereo/security system store, and residential space.

Harry worked at the roadhouse until age 87, when he died of cancer. His son and daughter-in-law, Jimmy and Jean Pappas, took over the business after Harry’s death. The Pappases still run Uncle Harry’s today and live in a flat behind the restaurant.
According to Jean, who I happened to meet while she was taking her dog for a walk, Jimmy is obsessed with neon signs. “I can see that,” I said, gazing up at the building behind her. Dusk had fallen and the signs had just been switched on. I was mesmerized.

Neon Signs and More at Uncle Harry’s Roadhouse
I would have gone to Uncle Harry’s just for the signs, but there are so many other things that make this roadhouse awesome. Allow me to sing its praises for a few minutes.
There is an interesting military memorial next door, with tanks and a full-sized jet. The land where the memorial sits is still owned by the mining company, but Jimmy maintains it himself and successfully fought the Air Force when they tried to take the plane away.

There’s a lovely garden next to the parking lot, with outdoor tables and towering trees that explode with birdsong at dusk. (I was so dazzled by the neon signs that I forgot to take photos of the garden — it was a bit too dark by the time we arrived anyway.) There’s an interestingly designed “diner”, separate from the main roadhouse, for people who don’t want to eat inside their cars.

There’s the Uncle Harry’s staff, who are all so friendly.

There’s the architecture of the roadhouse itself, which is wild.

Thorsten was so taken with Uncle Harry’s that he made two annotated architectural drawings of the property. The captions below are his — note “Blogitect 1” is me and “Blogitect 2” is Thorsten. (Blogger + Architect = Blogitect.)
You can find more of Thorsten’s sketches on his Instagram: @thethinking_hand.

1. Our approach through the winter highveld mining landscape
2. The enclosed dining space taking in the sunset
3. Miami style palm trees
4. a small picnic ‘forest’ with noisy birds
5. The original Uncle Harry’s building
6. The war memorial with a plane and cannons! For Blogitect 2 this would be an ideal setting for a drag queen fashion show a la ‘Hedwig and the Angry Inch’ (recently re-watched).

1. Serving window
2. Blogitect 1 (very excited as neon lights come on)
3. Toilets (note the butterfly roof, a common feature of midcentury popular architecture)
4. What looks like a roof terrace for owner’s apartment on first floor
5. Staggered facade to bring sun into apartment
I haven’t even mentioned the food yet.
As expected, Uncle Harry’s has a huge menu with every fast-food dish under the sun. We had read in advance that Uncle Harry’s milkshakes are legendary, so Thorsten and I each started with one of those: Thorsten had guava flavor and I had Bar One flavor. (Bar One is a popular South African candy bar.) Both were delicious.

While perusing the menu, my eye went straight to the “Uncle Harry’s Mad Burger”. I didn’t read the description super carefully; I just liked the name so I ordered it. The burger arrived quickly, on a tray clipped to the car window, and I knew right away that I might be in over my head.

I was sitting in the driver’s seat when the food arrived. But Thorsten (who ordered a much more manageable pizza) and I had to switch places because the Mad Burger would not fit behind my steering wheel.

I managed to down about half the burger and chips. It was definitely overwhelming but also really good: The chicken was juicy, the burger patty was tasty, and I liked the sauces. (I used to get annoyed by overly sauced South African burgers, as I’m really just a plain ketchup person usually, but I’ve finally given in to South African burger sauces. I was fighting a losing battle and, truth be told, South African burger sauces are pretty good.) I also really enjoyed the fried onions.
We took the second half home in a take-away box. Blogitect 2 ate it for lunch the next day and pronounced it delicious.
This sums up our big night out at Uncle Harry’s Roadhouse. We give the experience two thumbs up.

Uncle Harry’s Roadhouse is at the corner of Main and Battery Reef Roads in Randfontein. Open every day of the week from 9:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Call 011-693-5203 or 011-412-3432.
I love neon signs and sadly Joburg has lost a lot of them, happy that Jimmy is obsessed with them.
Me too.
Oh my the Mad Burger looks seriously daunting. How much did it cost? The fries/chips look yummy. I love Thorsten’s drawings (and comments) I do hope you are planning (or at least considering) making the Roadhouse Series into a book. I bet it would sell well!!!!
I am thinking of doing exactly that. The Mad Burger cost R105 🙂
Looks fantastic.
I saw a road house on Witkoppen road Fourways recently
Oh yes, I’ve heard about that one. It’s on the list 🙂
“The burger wouldn’t fit behind the steering wheel,” LMAO. My spouse has a huge mouth and can order anything, while mine is small and I have to cut sandwiches and Napoleon pastries in half. It looks great, though.
What kind of sauces are South African sauces?
South Africans love creamy cheese sauces and barbecue-like sauces on their burgers. Often times burgers have both of those, as this one did. Mayo also goes on literally everything. And there is a famous South African sauce called “Monkey Gland”. (I kid you not.) It doesn’t actually have anything from a monkey in it — I think it’s sort of like Thousand Island. I should actually blog about that.
Do you have any tips for avoiding mayo in South Africa? I absolutely HATE mayo especially when places try to sneak it in where you wouldn’t expect it. Can you easily order food like burgers without the mayo sauce?
Haha, I wish I had a good answer for you on this. South Africa is a hard place for people who don’t like mayo!