You all know the story by now, but let me summarize:
Thursday afternoon, we learned a group of South African scientists had sequenced a new variant of the coronavirus. It didn’t have a Greek alphabet name yet — just B.1.5-something-something — but we knew the covid case numbers (although still a small fraction of what Europe and America were experiencing) were starting to tick up in South Africa.
Friday morning — before the WHO even had a chance to meet and discuss the new variant — we woke up to the news that the U.K. had added South Africa, along with several other Southern African countries, to the “red list”, meaning flights from this region into the U.K. were immediately halted.
Saturday morning, we learned: 1) The new variant is called Omicron; 2) Global stock markets crashed, a sure sign of worldwide panic; and 3) Southern Africans are now banned from traveling almost anywhere in the world.
And most everyone in South Africa, including me, became enraged.

(This is not really relevant to the post, but I have to mention that this variant is also ruining all my previously fond memories of Greek life during my university years, when I was a member of the Alpha Omicron Pi sorority. Shame on you, Omicron variant, for casting a shadow over the AOPi brand.)
Anyway, here’s a list of the people/things I’m currently mad at:
- I’m mad at the leadership of the U.K., E.U., United States, and all the other countries who decided to pile on and enact these travel bans. I thought everyone knew by now that travel bans don’t work in stopping the global spread of the coronavirus. I also thought everyone knew travel bans are detrimental to national economies — especially developing economies that depend on tourism — and banning travel to these countries is not only pointless and inconvenient, but extremely damaging and downright cruel.
- Related to the item above: What’s up with the bans on Malawi, Angola, Zambia, and other African countries not even bordering South Africa that have literal SINGLE-DIGIT daily covid case numbers? That’s rich, coming from all these Global North countries logging tens of thousands — even hundreds of thousands, on occasion — of new covid cases every day. (In case you’re wondering, South Africa had about 2,800 new cases yesterday, up from a couple of hundred per day at this time last week.)
- I’m mad at all the people in the world, but especially all the people in South Africa, who haven’t been vaccinated. Despite all the international news headlines suggesting otherwise, we actually have plenty of vaccines available in South Africa. We don’t have a supply problem; we have an uptake problem. About 60% of South African adults have so far CHOSEN not to vaccinate, and that is why Omicron is here.
- Related to the above: I’m mad at the South African government for not doing enough to get people vaccinated. A few ad campaigns, presidential speeches, and threats of future vaccine mandates aren’t enough. We need pop-up vaccine clinics at every mall, grocery store, and petrol station. We need armies of community health workers going door to door and talking to people about vaccines. We need high-quality incentives for people to vaccinate. And yes, we need mandates too. I’m quite sure that if South Africans were required to show proof of vaccination before entering the bottle store, uptake would increase very quickly.
- I’m mad at covid-19 for continuing to not go away, and for continually ruining everyone’s plans, and for sending me (and pretty much everyone else in South Africa) into a nightmarish “March 2020, 2.0” vortex. I doubt I’m the only person who could barely get out of bed this past weekend (and barely needed to because everything was canceled anyway).
Before Omicron
Whew, I needed to get all that off my chest. Now that I’ve done it, here are photos of a couple of cool, happy things I did in Joburg last week B.O. (Before Omicron).
B.O. Activity #1: Betty Bangles and Riri Rouge Do Brixton
I went to a drag show in Brixton! Joburg drag stars Betty Bangles and Riri Rouge performed at the old Zietsies venue (which has now closed, sadly, because covid) as part of a fundraiser for the Brixton Light Festival (which has now been postponed, sadly, because covid — more on this in a future post).
I hadn’t been to a drag show in years and this was a great one — I haven’t laughed that much in a very long time. And after watching 12 seasons of RuPaul’s Drag Race on Netflix in the early months of the pandemic, watching drag in person was a dream come true.

B.O. Activity #2: Thanksgiving Dinner at Sweet Tea and Chickadee
I usually don’t bother to observe Thanksgiving in South Africa. I love turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and especially green-bean casserole as much as the next American, but I’m not they type of person to cook my own Thanksgiving dinner. So unless another American expat invites me over, I’m happy to treat the fourth Thursday in November like any other day.
But when I saw my favorite American-style restaurant, Sweet Tea & Chickadee, was serving Thanksgiving dinner in Joburg, I booked immediately.

I have raved about Sweet Tea & Chickadee before, but let me repeat: It’s one of the best restaurants in Joburg. Natasha, Sweet Tea & Chickadee’s owner, is a culinary genius. This was one of the best Thanksgiving dinners I’ve ever had and I couldn’t have chosen a better way to celebrate our final evening B.O.

Take that, Omicron. And happy holidays to you all.
Until we find a way to get everyone in the world on board with science and provide the vaccines I suspect you will one day be writing about Zeta.
You’re probably right 🙁
I love the idea of not having access to a bottle store without a Covid vaccine certificate. That sure will shake the non vaxxers up. ???? Your Thanksgiving dinner looks yummy. Happy belated Thanksgiving.
I will respond to your “rant” later (I tend to agree) but just had to say that I AM AN AOPI TOO!!!!!!! Hey Sister!!!!!
Omg that’s amazing!
Yes, I’m also annoyed by all those same things. Exactly!
And wrt vaccination drive in SA, it’s like you read my mind when I was watching tv last night. Exactly.
Sometimes when I watch it, I imagine having a chat with the president. This time it was like “Ok, so what about doing this…and this…”
Exactly. And his whole strategy seemed to be: Get vaccinated! Tell your friends! ????
How crowded was ST&C for the Thanksgiving dinner? I decided not to go since I’m still not cool with crowded indoor restaurant seating. I’m guessing her outdoor space couldn’t be used during the rain, either. Oh, well – I hope Natasha had a good turnout.
Yeah…it was a little crowded especially considering what we know now. But I was willing to take the risk, haha ????
I think the main factor now is accessibility. Rural areas. How many people can’t afford R30-40+ for transport or don’t want to spend the day travelling to the nearest town/center and waiting and so on.
Accessibility is part of it. But – the Pretoria upswing that turned out to be Omicron was in large part university students; 18 – 45s are lagging way back in taking up the vaccine. Maybe they think they are invincible?? Or too busy?? And – last week I think I convinced someone who works in my local pharmacy (!!) to finally get vaxxed. sigh …
Yeah, you’re definitely right. Vaccine hesitancy is everywhere in SA.
I have been under my rock for almost 2 years. Although I have been vaccinated 3 times, my antibody level is 22 and that is far short of the normal level >2500. I am a transplant recipient and the drugs I must take work against the vaccine. There are millions of people like me and I promise you we are even madder than you are.
Your blogs cheer me up so much and I am anything but mad at you.
I can imagine you very mad!
Here, here! I am also mad at everyone for all the reasons you listed, but can I just point out how ludicrous it is to single out South Africa when omicron is already loose and was probably only detected in South Africa because SA is way ahead in testing for variants than many countries. Stupid-ass colonialism and racism. Ridiculous given that the unvaccinated white people in the US are the ones spreading it now. Grrrrr
Mandates have certainly been working in California–both mask and vaccine. I’m sad to hear that the vaccine rates are so low in South Africa.
Yes it’s very frustrating. But I guess we’re all frustrated for similar reasons. Sigh.
Grrrr re the criticism of the “global North” as though its one monolith rather than a whole bunch of different nations going through different and differently traumatic versions of this pandemic (Canada and the United States, for example, have been living totally different versions of this pandemic, as have even different provinces within Canada) but otherwise – amen to all of that! The travel bans feel totally ridiculous in light of how ineffective any travel bans have been since early 2020 (case in point even New Zealand giving up on a zero covid strategy). It’s SO frustrating even from outside of Africa.
Totally agree with everything you say Heather. It is a total F… up. My stepson was also due to arrive Thursday for 10 days from the UK and obviously had to cancel. I am just sick of this whole Covid story.
Aw, I’m sorry Peggy. That’s so disappointing.
Well said Heather – what a mess. Too little of the right action locally in regards information and vaccines, definitely not enough push – way too much apathy. And shame on the countries who in a knee jerk reaction have added more chaos to an already difficult situation. Let’s hope for a quick “recovery” and that we can move on soon.
Yes. Let’s hope 🙂
100 % with you!!!!
For me it’s the hypocrisy of it all. I am in the UK currently and there are 50 000 cases a day being reported whilst the Prime Minister is telling us not to worry about cancelling Christmas with your families but yet they are continuing with this ridiculous travel ban. They are introducing day 2 PCR tests for any traveller regardless of vaccination status so why does SA still need to be on the UK red list? I have been trying to come home to SA for 2 years now, to see my mum who was diagnosed for the second time with incurable breast cancer in June and I had booked to fly home on the 23rd of December to have my first Christmas at home in 6 years. I couldn’t go home to see my Gran before she passed this year either. Now all of that willl most likely be cancelled as even if I did pay the extortionate red list hotel quarantine fee there isn’t any spaces at the hotels at the moment and it’s a complete shambles in terms of how it’s been organised and run.
Oh Sasha, that is so tragic. I’m sorry 🙁
I came here during load shedding hoping to read something light and off the topic of Covid, ???? how wrong I was. Like you I have felt all of those things. Additionally in the last two weeks, I have met several white and very privileged males who refuse to vaccinate I just don’t get it. Hopefully the mandate will get ppl off their butts.
I was very glad to see the other light fun pics just following this!
Right now the rate is doubling, I’m so over it. More light reading please!
I can’t believe we have loadshedding again too ????????????
Thank you very much for this very informative and interesting thoughts, I thoroughly enjoyed reading it! I have also recently published an article on my blog about Omicron. However, mine was very much a criticism of the media coverage on the new variant which I have found really disappointing. I would be really interested to hear your thoughts on my article if you get the chance! Take care and best wishes over the upcoming holiday period 🙂
Hi there, thanks for the comment. I read your article…I do hear where you’re coming from, although ironically now that my boyfriend and I both seem to have omicron I actually want to read MORE about it! I want to know as much as possible about what the hell is going on inside my body, haha. But I can see why you feel the way you do too, especially in Australia.
Wow, very interesting! How has your experience been with it so far? I can definitely understand why you would have a different perspective to me haha!
Basically it’s just a cold. Annoying but nothing more!
Nice pic