by 2summers | Apr 11, 2019 | #Gauteng52
UPDATE (June 2019): I’ve completed the second printing of the 2Summers #Gauteng52 Challenge. I still have more than 40 copies left. If you’d like to buy one, send me a message or use the payment button below. The book is also for sale at Bridge Books. If...
by 2summers | Nov 2, 2018 | #Gauteng52, Arts and Culture, Johannesburg
UPDATE (December 2019): The first and second editions of The 2Summers #Gauteng52 Challenge are sold out. Thanks to all of you for your support! After many years of threatening to do so, I’m finally publishing a book. The 2Summers #Gauteng52 Challenge is being...
by 2summers | Dec 30, 2017 | #Gauteng52, Johannesburg
Around this time last year, I got an idea. In 2017, I would publish one blog post per week about a place in Joburg where I’d never been before. I mentioned the idea to a friend, who suggested I expand the project to all of Gauteng Province rather than just...
by 2summers | Dec 28, 2017 | #Gauteng52, Food and Drink, Johannesburg
Welcome to Week 52 of my #Gauteng52 challenge, for which I visit and blog about a new place in Gauteng Province every week for 52 straight weeks. This week — the final week! — I visit Feigel’s Kosher Delicatessen, with locations in Glenhazel and...
by 2summers | Dec 22, 2017 | #Gauteng52, Johannesburg, Melville and Surrounds
Welcome to Week 51 of my #Gauteng52 challenge, for which I visit and blog about a new place in Gauteng Province every week for 52 straight weeks. This week I visit Scala Barber, which has been doling out men’s haircuts in Melville for nearly half a century....
by 2summers | Dec 12, 2017 | #Gauteng52, Johannesburg Day Trips, Parks/Nature Reserves
Welcome to Week 50 of my #Gauteng52 challenge, for which I visit and blog about a new place in Gauteng Province every week for 52 straight weeks. This week I visit the Marievale Bird Sanctuary. I don’t have my own set of binoculars yet. But perhaps it’s...