by 2summers | Jul 30, 2024 | Lodging, Northern Cape
It was a blustery winter afternoon on my 50th birthday. The Blogitects were headed to Stuurmansfontein, an iconic corbelled house in the middle of the Great Karoo, and I was super excited. But the sun was sinking fast and I was also starting to freak out. Thorsten was...
by 2summers | Jul 22, 2024 | Lodging, Northern Cape, Parks/Nature Reserves
As mentioned previously, Thorsten and I (a.k.a. “the Blogitects”: one blogger + one architect) recently got back from a roadtrip to the Northern Cape to celebrate my 50th birthday. I had never properly explored the Northern Cape, South Africa’s...
by 2summers | Mar 6, 2023 | Arts and Culture, Eastern Cape, Food and Drink, Markets/Shopping, Northern Cape, Roadtripping, Western Cape
My mom came for a visit and the two of us took a weeklong road trip through the South African platteland (Afrikaans for countryside). We drove from Joburg to Bethulie, Bethulie to the Garden Route, up through the Karoo Desert to Hanover, and then back to Joburg. Tiny...
by 2summers | May 23, 2014 | Namibia, Northern Cape, Parks/Nature Reserves
One of the most memorable experiences of my #MeetSouthAfrica trip was when I swam out of South Africa. But I’ll come back to that later. The #MeetSouthAfrica Adventure group arrived at the Growcery — a peaceful camp on the banks of the Orange River in the...