#10SouthAfricanTowns, Part 3: Kaapsehoop

#10SouthAfricanTowns, Part 3: Kaapsehoop

Kaapsehoop is the (long belated) third stop in my #10SouthAfricanTowns project, for which I’m visiting ten small towns across South Africa. Read about my first stop in Val and my second stop in Kameel. In September 2019, when I was first conceiving the idea for my...
#10SouthAfricanTowns, Part 2: Kameel

#10SouthAfricanTowns, Part 2: Kameel

Kameel is the second stop in my  #10SouthAfricanTowns campaign, for which I’m visiting ten small towns across South Africa in 2020. Kameel means “Camel” in Afrikaans. The original farm there is called “Kameel Bult”, which roughly...