by 2summers | Dec 15, 2021 | COVID-19, Johannesburg
I finally caught the corona. My “Oops, I caught covid after all” selfie, featuring my newly knitted pussy hat. This news is no longer particularly interesting. It seems like everyone in Johannesburg, and their mother, has had the ‘rona at least once...
by 2summers | Dec 10, 2021 | Brixton, COVID-19, Emotions, Johannesburg
Greetings from the Omicron epicenter! I imagine lots of people in other parts of the world, and even elsewhere in South Africa, are wondering what’s really happening with the Omicron variant in Gauteng. We’ve got some first-hand experience at the Blogitect...
by 2summers | Nov 29, 2021 | COVID-19, Johannesburg
You all know the story by now, but let me summarize: Thursday afternoon, we learned a group of South African scientists had sequenced a new variant of the coronavirus. It didn’t have a Greek alphabet name yet — just B.1.5-something-something — but we...
by 2summers | Aug 17, 2021 | Brixton, COVID-19, Food and Drink, Johannesburg, Jozi Top Fives, Melville and Surrounds
I hadn’t planned to blog about pandemic dining (sorry, I realize that’s a horrible term) today. But just a few minutes ago I was chatting with a friend about how few restaurants I feel comfortable eating in right now. The Richmond, just around the corner...
by 2summers | Jul 7, 2021 | USA
For the first time since 2010, I found myself with my family in the United States on the 4th of July. My sister, my nephew, my dad, my dad’s girlfriend, and I piled into two cars and drove down the road for the July 4th parade in my home town of Sykesville,...