by 2summers | Jan 25, 2023 | Arts and Culture, Johannesburg, Museums and Buildings
It’s been two months since Thorsten and I joined a Johannesburg Heritage Foundation tour of three crazy houses on New Mountain Road in Linksfield Ridge. I have very limited time to write this post (I’m getting on a plane to Namibia tomorrow — more on...
by 2summers | Jun 17, 2020 | COVID-19, Johannesburg, West Rand
It’s Day 83 of the South African lockdown. In celebration of this entirely unremarkable and insanely high number, I bought myself a Basotho blanket. Trixie tests out my new Basotho blanket. I am not a therapy shopper; I generally don’t self-soothe through...
by 2summers | Mar 26, 2017 | #Gauteng52, Arts and Culture, Food and Drink, Johannesburg, Johannesburg City Centre
Welcome to Week 13 of my #Gauteng52 challenge, for which I will visit and blog about a new place in Gauteng Province every week for 52 straight weeks. This week I visit Ellis House, a collection of art and design studios in New Doornfontein. Marie-Lais and I pulled...
by 2summers | Jun 30, 2016 | Arts and Culture, Johannesburg, Markets/Shopping, Melville and Surrounds
UPDATE (November 2017): Hlamvu is no longer located in Greenside. There is currently a Hlamvu shop in the Commissioner Street Pop-Up Arcade, and Hlamvu products are also available online. As I’ve written before, I am not a fashionable person. There are many...